Each year we bring in celebrity "monsters" to meet, greet and sign autographs for the people waiting to go through the haunt. My job is to meet them at the airport, check them into the hotel, take them to TV and Radio interviews on Fridays and then get them to and from the haunt on Friday and Saturday. As I'm sure you can imagine it is alot of fun to meet so many different people and being with them so much during the weekend you make
This past weekend I had the priviledge to meet Chris Carnel...he is a stunt man by trade but also starred in the movie My Bloody Valentine - 3D. He was quite possibly the nicest celeb I have had the pleasure to "host". It's always fun when they are close to my age...pretty sure if he lived in Birmingham we would be friends and he would be a member of the "Scream Team" at Atrox! He says he will visit again with his family and I look forward to meeting his wife...also look forward to seeing him in more movies!
Hope everyone has a great Halloween night - treat your kiddos to some good treats!
Much love!