Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank goodness 2010 is OVER!!!!

I worked really hard this year to get in shape and lose weight...I even started wogging (walking/jogging)...I'm sure Coach Faust would be highly amused to hear this!

Anyway with the help of Scale Back Alabama, Gold's Gym, Homewood City Schools "Movement" and various friends who constantly encouraged me...I was able to lose 51 lbs and I'm still going!  It is true...if you eat right, exercise and get will lose weight!  According to the "charts" I still have 40 lbs to lose but if I lose 5 more lbs I will finally weight what it says on my driver's license...and that is a great goal as far as I am concerned!

I hope everyone has a great 2011!

Much love,

"Before" - January 2010
"After" - October 2010


  1. MJ, I'm so happy for you! You look fantastic!! Keep up the good work! :)
